Thursday, 18 June 2009

A few interesting notes

So, life is going pretty smoothly these days, with nothing too much new to say, but here a a couple answers to some of the questions you've been asking me in your comments, and facts...

  • There's no electricity at the home. We cook over a fire, and use kerosene lamps at night. We also head to bed towards 8pm every night, and I'm usually asleep at 9 or10pm!
  • I've never seen a car or mini-bus (for short distances) or taxi with as much as a quarter tank of fuel. Actually, most of the time the arrow is under the empty line.
  • There aren't really any animals around, except cows, goat, chickens, and ducks (but no water!). There's aren't any lions, cheetahs or elephants (that I've seen!).
  • Communication between all of us was a bit difficult at first, but Rosmin and 2 of his sons speak very well English, and little by little I'm able to communicate with the rest of the family. Not any philosophical discussions or anything, but more like basic needs type of stuff.
  • The kids are aged from 2 to about 18 years old. So they aren't all kids!
  • Good news: all the food here is organic! If only they knew they could just label it all organic and hike up the prices! The parachichi (avocado) here are huge and delicious!
  • These folk have got rhythm!!! The young ones really know how to play the drums, and they've all got great dance moves. I've tried to film them, but they usually dance in the evening before dinner, when the sun is down, so with the whole "no electricity thing", it's a bit difficult. Plus when the camera cones out, they all kind of stop dancing and start laughing and giggling!

Thanks for the song suggestions!

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